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EFO Furniture in the Community

Imagine a bitter cold winter night out there in the elements - with nothing but the clothes on your back to keep you warm. Not a pleasant thought. But on any given night in the United States, about 750,000 men, women and children have nowhere to go. They are the ones who live on the street, in shelters, in cars and in campgrounds. According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, families with children make up about half of the homeless population over the course of a year.

Every fall, EFO Furniture Galleries, with locations in Dunmore and Wilkes-Barre sponsors a community wide blanket drive to help provide some warmth to those in need during the winter months. Starting mid-October through the end of November, EFO accepts new and gently used blankets from area residents during "EFO Furniture Galleries Blanket Drive for the Needy."

This 5 week drive benefits individuals served by St. Francis of Assisi Kitchen and United Neighborhood Centers in Scranton; the Salvation Army and St. Vincent de Paul Kitchen in Wilkes-Barre; and St. Anthony's Center and the Salvation Army in Williamsport, all of whom express a great need for blankets, especially during the winter months.

During the drive, residents bring their donations to the EFO Furniture Galleries stores located on O'Neill Highway (under Big Lots) in Dunmore, at 213 Mundy St. (across from J.C. Penney) in Wilkes-Barre, and 24 East 3rd St. downtown Williamsport during regular business hours. For each donation, EFO Furniture Galleries gives a "$10.00 Thank You Certificate." Before the blankets are distributed, they are laundered at the Crest Quality Cleaners in West Pittston.

"There are many ways people can help. They can start by going through their closets and donating blankets that haven't been used in awhile; by purchasing blankets at yard sales; or by organizing neighborhood blanket drives," says Joseph Rinkunas Jr., President of EFO Furniture Galleries.

For more information, call EFO Furniture Galleries at 570-961-5424 in Dunmore, 823-2182 in Wilkes-Barre, and 601-1616 in Williamsport.